KFD Busy During First Storm of 2018
By Chief of Department Dean W. Pappas
January 4, 2018

Katonah Fire Department went on stand by today as the first snow storm of 2018 ramped up. Personnel came down to the firehouse for a six hour stand by. Tire chains were put on our first due pumper and our rescue truck, and our Dura Deck flooring was put down to keep the chains from damaging the engine room floor. Our new 4X4 pumper was also prepped to go out. During the stand by, KFD responded to two calls on heavily snow-covered roads. The addresses were checked out and fortunately, the calls were not serious. However, having members standing by at headquarters allowed for a quick and effective response. More importantly, members didn't have to brave the icy roads driving down to the firehouse. The chiefs extend their appreciation to those members who came down to stand by during our first winter storm of the season.