New KFD Members Begin Basic Training
By Chief of Department Dean W. Pappas
February 12, 2018

The life blood of any fire department is new membership and KFD is very fortunate to have four committed new members--Ryan Hayes, Tom Megna, Jr., Liam McDermott, and Jess Fasano. Tonight, these new members underwent the first of a series of basic FF instruction to begin to prepare them for the Firefighter 1, 2, and Survival course they will eventually take. Under the direction of Captain John Whalen and Lt. Mike Lehrer, and assisted by Captain Roberto Juarez, Lt. Brian Cohen, Lt. Kate Hallex, and FFs Rich Harris, Josh Corsino, and Jason Valvano, our new members went through the process of dressing a hydrant, charging a five-inch line to feed the engine, and then handling an inch-and-three-quarter hose line. After initial instruction, the new members set up the hydrant on their own, and successfully fed Engine 115. Afterwards, of course, came the cleanup and the packing of the hose. We're glad to have the new members, and as our sign out front says, new members ALWAYS welcome!