Top Responders of 2014
By KFD Staff
January 1, 2015

Congratulations to the top responders who had responded to a minimum of 100 calls in 2014.

First Assistant Chief Dean Pappas: 250 calls
Lieutenant Jared Hirschberg: 219 calls
Ex-Chief Hank Bergson: 216 calls
Second Assistant Chief Jose Corsino: 188 calls
Firefighter Chris Stanton: 164 calls
Captain Jeff Waful: 155 calls
Firefighter Julia Smith: 153 calls
Firefighter Harry Rosenblum: 148 calls
Sergeant Michael Lehrer: 137 calls
Chief Engineer Alex Whalen: 127 calls
Lieutenant Joe Smith: 121 calls
Firefighter Joe Lombardo: 118 calls
Firefighter Zak Bauer: 114 Calls
Firefighter Jack DeAlto: 114 calls
Firefighter Scott Whalen: 114 calls
Ex-Chief Bennett Schuberg: 110 calls
Lieutenant Matt Whalen: 110 calls
Lieutenant John Whalen: 101 calls

For the year of 2014, we responded to 338 fire calls. We appreciate the dedication of all of our members who make serving their community a priority. We look forward to serving our community in the year to come.